Monday, January 31, 2011
Blog 'N Gold Feature
Steelers vs. Packers - Super Bowl XLV

I am a Steeler fan living in Packer Country. For over a year, nobody cared, all of a sudden, I have a target on my back. Super Bowl XLV, Steelers vs. The Pack, here we go!
Living in The Cheese State is very similar to living in the great city of Pittsburgh. The people of Wisconsin are extremely hard working, they have close knit family ties, they cultivate their local traditions, and they love their Miller products as much as Pittsburghers love their Iron City. Then there’s football. Wisconsin natives love their Packers. It’s in their blood. Green and gold is sported year round, the local news reports updates in the off season, and there is always an excitement for the next season to begin. If the Packers lose, heads hang low. Work doesn’t begin on Monday mornings until about 10 am, after the game has been rehashed over and over with co-workers. If football isn’t your thing, go to the grocery store during the games, the aisles will be clear and there will be no lines at the check out.
Unlike the Steelers, the Packers are adored by the entire state. There are no Eagles to compete with, although there is a spattering of Bears and Vikings fans to contend with, making for some very serious rivalries. It can be debated which one is stronger, especially since “thou who shall not be named” (ahem, Favre) jumped from retirement to the Jets, to retirement, to that purple team from the snow filled dome. From personal experience, I would have to say it’s the Bears/Packers showdown. I see the Bears fans getting taunted much more than the Vikings fans. It seems as though the hype for the NFC playoff championship was bigger than it has been for the upcoming Super Bowl. I have even had requests from Bears fans to borrow any extra Steeler gear I may have for the game – I will gladly loan it out, just to see more people sporting black and gold other than myself!
Since last Sunday’s big wins, from a Steeler fan’s perspective, it has been kind of quiet. It seems as if there was a huge sigh of relief from Packer fans after defeating the Bears, perhaps they all needed a week to let it all settle in? So far, my house, with both a Packer flag and Steeler flag in the front window, has not been egged. The Steeler gnome, keeping watch over our new home, still sits proudly on the front step. I have not received any hate mail nor severe trash talking, although, I suddenly feel to need to watch my back.
Since Sunday, many conversations have started with “you’re the enemy”, but quickly turn into words of respect. “It’s going to be a great game.” “May the best team win.” “You can’t help but have respect for the Steelers.” Packer fans appreciate owners like the Rooney family and the no nonsense personality of head coach Mike Tomlin. Any true football fan understands that this is truly a head to head match up. The strength of the defense carries both teams. Each has a smart, solid quarterback with veteran receivers. The only negative statements heard are related to Big Ben’s choices off the field, but that’s beside the point.
Over the next week Packer fans throughout the state will be gearing up for the big game. I’ve received numerous invites to Super Bowl parties in the area, you are greeted by a wall of green and gold merchandise in every store entered, and many at my place of employment have requested the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday off. Wisconsin residents are no longer “feeling so fly like a G6” as the Far East Movement sings, they are “feeling so fly like a cheese head”. Wiz Khalifa’s “Black and Yellow” has been taken over by “Green and Yellow”. Overall, there is just a feeling of pure excitement.
With my Steelers taking on the Packers this Super Bowl XLV, there has been much concern from family and friends over the effects this may have on nuptials planned for summer 2011. I can assure you, there will be no effect, provided the Steelers take home the Lombardi trophy! So far, there has been no tension in the household, but as my fiancĂ© knows, if there is a Steeler loss, it is best to stay away from me for a good 12 hours or so. When the Packers took on the Steelers at Heinz field in December 2009, we both left the game in good spirits – Wallace made that amazing catch in the end zone to take the lead so I was happy, and the fiancĂ© – well, he had just watched a great game, in an awesome stadium, in a beautiful city! What’s there not to be happy about? I’m anticipating the same outcome (win and all) from this show down.
So here’s to Steeler Nation representing in Packer Country. May the best team win in the big show in Dallas. This one is not only for the title, but for bragging rights in these parts!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Victory Field - Indianapolis Indians

Grab your ticket and enter through the Victory Field arch. Grab some grass on the lawn; it’s a great way to spend time with your family. You may even catch a home run ball! Bonus on the lawn, you can bring a cooler in! Sorry, no alcohol, but your picnic fare is most likely cheaper and lower in sodium than concession food!

Head to Center Field and try your arm at the speed pitch and other games! Duck into the teepee!

7th inning, get up and DANCE! You might just grab a t-shirt!
If you want to grab a frosty beverage after the game, The Ram, Alcatraz Brewing Company, and Rock Bottom are all breweries within walking distance. If you’re more of a “Coyote Ugly” fan, head to the Wild Beaver, Busch Light is their Wild Beaver tap. Coincidence? I think not.

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Yankee Stadium - New York Yankees
Monday, May 25, 2009
Fenway Park - Boston Red Sox

Visit my buddy Clay at Tequila Rain. Tell him FANHOOD sent you!

Take a lap around the park. Stroll down Yawkey Way. Grab some "street meat" from the numerous street vendors! I hear the Italian sausage is the way to go.

Get your picture taken with Red Sox great Ted Williams. Who knows, you may get to see him again in real life if scientists have it their way.

Walking into the park, before you even see the grass, you have to take it all in. It's like a throwback to the old days.

Grab a Fenway Frank. Hands down the best ball park hot dog I've EVER had. It's incredibly juicy and the bun is so fresh. It almost melts in your mouth. No flare needed here, in fact, mustard may actually take away from the flavor.

Take your food to your seat or enjoy it at the many tables available.

Get your photo taken with the Red Sox mascot, the Green Monstah at the Kid Zone.

Time to grab a program and a "beah" and head to your seat. Max purchase is 2 per person, so most people go ahead and grab 2! In fact, each person I went to poured two beers at a time and handed me both!

Check it out. Fenway Park. Magical. Babe Ruth pitched here. Ted Williams sent it out of the park. Scores are still tracked manually under the monster. Look for the seat painted red (rather than green) in the right field bleachers. That's the longest measurable home run hit at Fenway.

Game time. Check out the montages on the jumbotron. Sway to the music. Fenway has the best song selection I've ever heard at a ball park.

7th inning stretch. Time to solute those fighting for our country and those who lost their lives in battle with the singing of God Bless America. Take Me Out to the Ball Game follows of course!

8th inning, time for Sweet Caroline! The crowd in the bleachers really gets into it!
Game over, being a Yankee fan, I can't say I hope you're celebrating a Red Sox win, but I do hope you're capping off a great day at the ball park. After, head to the Bleacher Bar to watch the grounds crew patch up the field. Before the game, there was a line to get in, but after, there surprisingly wasn't a large crowd, just an enjoyable gathering.
Do not try to hit on your buddy's girlfriend or wife as soon as he runs to the men's room. There's a window at the urinals. He will see you. Busted.
Barhopping? Try The Baseball Bar across the street. If it's nice out, there is a great view of the stadium from the roof deck.
Whew, what a day. You just caught 9 innings in historic Fenway Park. Red Sox fan or not, I hope you felt the history of the venue, the energy of the fans, and had an ultimate FANHOOD experience.
Special thanks to Jeff Henn and Andy Menneto for making this experience happen!
As always, leave your FANHOOD experience in the comments section!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Dodger Stadium - Los Angeles Dodgers

To be a part of “The Blue Crew”, wear royal blue and white, Dodgers signature colors.

There is ample parking surrounding the stadium, it just depends on where you’re going to sit.
When you are walking up the hill to the stadium, turn around and check out the beautiful Los Angeles skyline.

Notice the pictures of current players as you walk up, intimidating away team fans as they walk through the gates.

You always have to stop and take a look at the field the moment you walk in. Look at that perfectly manicured green grass. Look at how big and how colorful this stadium is, each level a different color. It’s a classic!

If you get there early enough for batting practice (which LAers rarely do, rumor has it they show up after 2 innings and leave after the 7th!) go to center field and shag balls!

Why the tardiness? One word - TRAFFIC. Can you say "CONGESTION?!"
Head to your seats. If you’re in the upper levels, you may want to grab your food first, it’s a STEEP climb. I do not recommend sitting up high if you are afraid of heights! It’s a doosie!
In the Pavilion seats aka outfield bleachers? Be prepared to do THE WAVE! These fans get the crowd going.

Sitting lower level behind home plate? If so, you better pay attention to the game or wear a hard hat. There is no net overhead to capture for foul balls. But you do get your own waitstaff! If you're farther down the baseline in the premium seats, you get a table to set your drink on. All for the nice price of ~$250.
Hungry? You have to have a DODGER DOG! A foot long hotdog grilled to perfection. As you can see I opted for onions and mustard! Delicious!

Want dessert? For $5.50 get this huge bowl of ice cream and a souvenir to take home. Perfect for the little ones, or the kid at heart!

Thirsty? Bring your Dodger dollars. Large beers are up to $13. Yowzer. Careful you don’t have too many in the cheap seats, you’re liable to tumble down those steep steps!
Be on the look out for celebrity fans! I happened to spot Mario Lopez, aka AC Slater, from above. Friend and fellow Yankee fan, Carl Martinez, actually met Jack Nicholson, Denzel Washington, Billy Crystal and Penny Marshall at the games. Pretty cool.

Complete the hike to your seats? Sit back, catch your breath, and enjoy the view of the beautiful San Gabriel Mountains.
Bring your headphones to listen to Vin Scully, classic voice of the Dodgers radio broadcast. He's done it all by himself, no color commentator, since the Dodgers moved from Brooklyn to LA. Doesn't look that old does he?!

Check out the jumbotrons - YES - that's plural - as in TRONS! One shows player pictures, facts, and stats at each at bat.

The second shows the lineup the entire game, which is convenient for a score keeper like me!

Ah, 7th inning stretch. Time to get the beach balls out! Keep in on your level or else be booooooed!
Game over. If celebrating a Blue Crew win, sway to Randy Newman's "I Love LA." If rooting for the other team, respect the loyalty of Dodger fans. This car even has shag carpet!

Win or lose I hope you enjoyed your Dodger Stadium FANHOOD experience. Here, it's not the most modern, doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but promises an enjoyable MLB experience. Did I miss anything in my 1 game visit? Feel free to add your ultimate FANHOOD experience in the comments section!
Special thanks to Hal & Kathy Harkness for treating me to this game and giving me all their Dodger FANHOOD knowledge! Credit goes to Carl Martinez for FANHOOD additions!